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Sample Questions


The purpose of the following material is to provide prospects with an understanding of the type of math function needed to be successful in this program. This sample math test contains 30 questions.

Please note:

  • Calculators are not permitted
  • You can do rough work on a sheet of paper

Part A - Sample Questions

  1. 872 + 1007 - 26 =
  2. 495 + 12,305 + 4,001 =
  3. 0.00874 + 0.07 =
  4. 8 - 0.034 + 3.39 =
  5. 9,740 - 3,802 =
  6. 0.0046 - 0.0012 =
  7. 0.01 + 6.45 + 0.6 =
  8. 203.9 – 13.07 =
  9. 15.56 x 1.407 =
  10. 718 x 3,001 =
  11. 5,948 – 2,907 =
  12. 0.918 x 100 =
  13. 3.36 x 0.65 x 5 =
  14. 0.13 x 90.6 =
  15. 0.0036 ÷ 0.2 =
  1. 30 ÷ 200 =
  2. 0.012 / 0.004 =
  3. 76 / 40 =
  4. 34 ÷ 2.2 =
  5. 23.15 ÷ 0.7 =
  6. 125 x 12 / 60 =
  7. 55 x 40 ÷ 4 =
  8. 2L is equal to: _____ mLs.
  9. 100mL is equal to: _____ L.
  10. 40mg is equal to: _____ g.
  11. 1.6g is equal to: _____ mg.
  12. 124.9 x 6 ÷ 3 =
  13. 9% is equivalent to which number?
  14. 18.7 is what percentage of the number 56.1?
  15. If 15:5 = 9:x, then x is what number?