Date | Type | Description |
Date | Type | Description |
2018 | Publication | Zimanyi L., (2018). Wonder and wisdom in a forest nature program. The Conversation Canada. Retrieved from |
2018 | Publication | Aiken, J1., Mandel, ER1., Riddell, MC1., Birot, O1. (2018). Hyperglycaemia correlates with skeletal muscle capillary regression and is associated with alterations in the murine double minute-2/forkhead box O1/thrombospondin-1 pathway in type 1 diabetic BioBreeding rats. Diabetes & Vascular Disease Research, epublication ahead of print. Retrieved from |
2018 | Publication | Al Sorkhy, M., Fahl, Z., & Ritchie, J. (2018). Cortisol and Breast Cancer: A review of clinical and molecular evidence. Annals of Cancer Research and Therapy, 26(1), 19-25. |
2018 | Publication | Cabo, F., Aguaristi, I., Christophe-Tchakaloff, S., Guichard, J.P., Baskwill, A. (2018). Shiatsu and Acupressure: Two Different and Distinct Techniques. International Journal of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork, 11(2): 4-10. |
2018 | Publication | Indar, A., Espin, S., LeGrow, K., & Janes, N. (2018). Using Critical Creativity to Reveal Nursing Student Learning in Long-Term Care. Journal of Nursing Education, 57(3), 150-153. |
2018 | Publication | Karagiorgakis, A. L., Schindler, M., & Spiers, G. A. (2018). Retention of rare earth elements in authigenic phases following biogeochemical dissolution of ore from Elliot Lake, Ontario. Hydrometallurgy, 177, 9-20. |
2018 | Publication | Miron, J., & Fenning, K. (2018). Academic integrity pledges – acculturating students to academic integrity within Canadian higher education. Canadian Perspectives on Academic Integrity, 1(2), 46-57. |
2018 | Publication | Randall, A. (2018). Male ECE Students in Post-secondary Classrooms: Enrolment and Retention. Journal of Innovation in Polytechnic Education, 1(1). |
2018 | Presentation | Herbert, C. (2018). Professionalism and ethics. The Canadian Council for Accreditation of Pharmacy Programs Best Practice Workshop, Calgary, Canada. |
2018 | Presentation | Kostevskii, L., & Patola, A., (2018). Use positive pro-action, avoid unnecessary reaction. The Annual Umbrella Conference, Toronto, Canada. |
2018 | Presentation | Miron, J., & Ridgley, A. (2018). Contract Cheating Keynote Presentation. Canadian Consortium, International Center for Academic Integrity Conference, Richmond, USA. |
2018 | Presentation | Ridley, B., & Hirji, N. (2018). STEPP-ing up critical care: Using simulation in post-graduate nursing education. Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Toronto, Canada. |
2018 | Presentation | Summers, B. (2018). Determining effective course designs through usability testing. Heads of CEConference, Toronto, Canada. |
2018 | Presentation | Zimanyi, L., Simpson, D., Fitzgerald, R., & Lisberg Bundgaard, T. (2018). Leveraging strategic partnerships for effective faculty engagement. Canadian Bureau of International Education, Ottawa, Canada. |
2018 | Presentation | Zimanyi, L., Simpson, D., Fitzgerald, R., & Fenuta, E. (2018). Engaging faculty in inclusive internationalization. The Future of Transformative Learning Summit, Centennial College, Toronto, Canada. |
2018 | Presentation | Zimanyi, L. & Short, L. (2018). Stories of place: Mother Earth, water, and storytelling at Niigaani-gichigami (Leading Sea/Lake Ontario). Humber Showcase, Toronto, Canada. |
2018 | Award | Marsha Barrett – Award for Excellence in Teaching, National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (2017). |
2018 | Award | Best Oral Presentation Award, Geoffrey Norman Day in Education Research (2017). |
2018 | Award | Craig MacCalman – Innovation of the Year Award, Humber College ITAL (2018). |
2018 | Award | Louise Zimanyi – John and Suanne Roueche Award of Excellence, League for Innovation in the Community College (2017). |
2017 | Publication | Baskwill, A. (2017). A Commentary on the Role of Randomized Controlled Trials in Massage Therapy. International Journal of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork, 10(4): 13-16. |
2017 | Publication | Baskwill, A. (2017). A Case for Mixed Methods Research in Massage Therapy. International Journal of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork, 10(3): 14-15. |
2017 | Publication | Baskwill, A., Belli, P, Kelleher, L. (2017). Evaluation of the use of 3D motion capture technology in a gait assessment module with semester 2 massage therapy students. International Journal of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork, 10(1): 3-9. |
2017 | Publication | Baskwill, A., & Vanstone, M. (2017). “Just don’t be creepy”: A phenomenological study of the experiences of men in massage therapy. Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine, 15(1). |
2017 | Presentation | Baskwill, A. (2017). The experience of gender discrimination of male massage therapists and the potential role for educators. Geoffrey Norman Day in Education Research, Hamilton, Canada. |
2017 | Presentation | Baskwill, A. (2017). Massage therapy program accreditation from a MT program perspective. R.M.T.A.O. Educator’s Day, Toronto, Canada. |
2017 | Presentation | Baskwill, A. (2017). Just don’t be creepy: Male massage therapists’ experiences of barriers and strategies for a successful practice. Faculty of Health Sciences Research Plenary, Hamilton, Canada. |
2017 | Presentation | Cameron, T., Hirji, N., Murphy, W., Salvia, A. (2017). Quashing a Culture of Cheating: Using Online Learning Instructional Approaches to Train Active Invigilators. World Conference on Online Learning, Toronto, Canada. |
2017 | Presentation | Jeffrey, P. (2017). Guideline to Improve a Practical Nursing Program’s Admission Test. Midwestern Nursing Research Society, Minneapolis, MN. |
2017 | Presentation | Powell, J. (2017). Group Collaboration in the Academy. The Personal, Dispositional, and Organizational Characteristics that Contribute to effective Group Collaboration. The Chair Academy’s 26th Annual International Conference, Visualize Leadership, Orlando, USA. |
2017 | Presentation | Powell, J. (2017). The Antecedent Variables Contributing to Group Collaboration. Innovations Conference. League for Innovation, San Francisco, USA. |
2017 | Presentation | Sheikh, S., & To, R. (2017). The missing population: Including students with special needs. Liberal Arts & Sciences Interdisciplinary Conference, Toronto, Canada. |
2017 | Presentation | Zimanyi, L. & Beard, K. (2017). Storytelling with sticks, stones and pinecones: growing the forest naturemovement (poster). Children & Nature Network Conference, Vancouver, Canada. |
2017 | Presentation | Zimanyi, L. (2017). The willow trees talk to us: ways of knowing in a forest nature program (poster). International Play Association Congress, Calgary, Canada. |
2017 | Presentation | Zimanyi, L. (2017). PlayFutures: innovation and research global network (paper/presentation). International Play Association Congress, Calgary, Canada. |
2017 | Presentation | Zimanyi, L. (2017). Humber Forest Nature Program. Master Play Class/Claire Warden event, Centre for Urban Ecology, Toronto, Canada. |
2017 | Presentation | Zimanyi, L. & Vincent, J. (2017). Tuning into nature walkshop. Humber Showcase, Toronto, Canada. |
2017 | Presentation | Zimanyi, L. (2018). The willow trees talk to us. Lawson Foundation Outdoor Play Research and Policy Symposium, King City, Canada. |
2014 | Presentation | Giallonardo, L.M. (2013, November).The mediating effect of social identification on therelationship between preceptor authentic leadership and new graduate workengagement. Poster presentation at International NursingAdministration Research Conference. Baltimore, MD. |
2014 | Presentation | Giallonardo, L.M., & Wong, C. A. (2014, March). The mediating effect of social identification on the relationship between preceptor authentic leadership and new graduate work engagement. Podium presented at Nursing Leadership Network of Ontario, Toronto, ON. |
2014 | Presentation | Chiovitti, R. F., & DeCourcy. E. (2014, March). Celebrating Everyday Scholarship: A Grass-Roots Approach to Faculty Development. Presented at the League for Innovation in the Community College: Innovations 2014 conference, Leadership and Organization Forum Session. Anaheim, California, USA. |
2014 | Presentation | Chiovitti, R. F. (2014, March). Protective Empowering: A Lens for Balancing Student Safety with Choices. Presented at the League for Innovation in the Community College: Innovations 2014 conference, Learning and Teaching Roundtable Discussion Session. Anaheim, California, USA |
2013 | Presentation | Giallonardo, L.M. (2013, November). Authentic leadership and nurse assessed adverse patient outcomes. Presented at International Nursing Administration Research Conference, Baltimore, MD |
2013 | Presentation | Alvarez., R., MacCallum., C., Devlin-Cop., S., & Galea., J. (2013, November). Simulation summit. Attended at the Simwars Competition 2013. Vancouver, BC |
2013 | Presentation | Chiovitti, R. F. (2013, October). Balancing Safety and Choices in Decision-Making through the Theory of Protective Empowering Lens. Presented at the Canadian Federation of Mental Health Nurses National Conference, Mental Health Nursing: A Journey Collaboration, Culture and Change. Kelowna, BC, Canada. |
2013 | Publication | Giallonardo, L.M., & Wong, C. A. (2013, June). The mediating effect of social identification on the relationship between preceptor authentic leadership and new graduate work engagement. Poster presented at Successful Transition of New Graduate Nurses Invitational Colloquium. London, ON. |
2013 | Presentation | Broughton, S. (2013, June). Women, Children and IPV: Understanding the Relationships among Intrusion, Social Support and Family Health Promotion Capacity. Presented at the Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing 6thAnnual Nursing Research Day. Ryerson University, Toronto, ON. |
2013 | Presentation | Broughton, S. (2013, June). Coercive Control and Harassment after Separation from an Abusive Partner: Effects on Family Functioning. Presented at The Nursing Network on Violence Against Women International (NNVAWI). The University of British Columbia School of Nursing, BC. |
2013 | Presentation | Broughton, S. (2013, June). Promoting Equity through Health Research: Embracing Possibilities. Presented at the Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing 6thAnnual Nursing Research Day. Ryerson University, Toronto. |
2013 | Presentation | Summers, B. (2013, May). Using the ‘www.’ as a resource. Presented at the Zone 8 Early Childhood Symposium: Empowered for Action, Equipped for Service, Kingston, Jamaica. |
2013 | Presentation | Barrett, M., & Oyama, L. (2013, May). Temperament and learning styles. Presented at the Zone 8 Early Childhood Symposium: Empowered for Action, Equipped for Service, Kingston, Jamaica. |
2013 | Presentation | Fenning, K., & Wylie, S. (2013, May). Transforming early learning through reflective practice. Presented at MCCA’s 36th Annual Early Learning and Child Care Conference: Unleash Your Mind, Winnipeg, MB. |
2013 | Presentation | Miron, J. & Fenning, K. (2013). A David approach to a Goliath problem: Promoting academic integrity. Presented at A League of Innovations, Dallas, TX. |
2013 | Presentation | Fenning, K., & Wylie, S. (2013, February). Inquiry based curriculum: Within and beyond classroom observation practices. Presented at the February Flurry Conference, Hamilton, ON. |
2013 | Publication | Wong, C.A., & Giallonardo, L.M. (in press). Authentic leadership and nurse-assessed adverse patient outcomes. Journal of Nursing Management. |
2012 | Presentation | Valerio, J., & Reid, C. (2012, July). Nature education in ECE with an interprofessional education model. Presented at International Innovations in ECE: A Canadian Forum on Early Childhood Frameworks, Victoria, BC. |
2012 | Presentation | Aka, S., & Murphy, W. (2012, June). Innovative academic and peer support for part-time clinical teachers. Presented at the 2012 STLHE Conference, Montreal, QC. |
2012 | Presentation | Dickinson, D., Torrance, G., & Collins, L. (2012, June). Collaborative identity: Canadian occupational therapist assistant and physiotherapist assistant educators. Presented at the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists Conference 2012, Quebec, QC. |
2012 | Presentation | Chiovitti, R.F. (2012, June). Theory of protective empowering as a new lens for simultaneously balancing learning with and without boundaries in nursing education. Presented at the STLHE Annual International Conference, Montreal, QC. |
2012 | Presentation | Ellis, W., Kaasalainen, S., Baxter, P., & Ploeg , J. (2012, June). Medication management for nurses in long term care. Poster presented at the First International Nursing Conference. Jerusalem, Israel. |
2012 | Presentation | Hart, J. (2012, June). Feeling grateful: A parse research method study metaphorical emergings. Presented at the Institute of Humanbecoming, Pittsburgh, PA. |
2012 | Presentation | Hart, J. (2012, June). Prudence and fairness in leading-following. Presented at the Institute of Humanbecoming, Pittsburgh, PA. |
2012 | Presentation | Hart, J. (2012, June). The meaning of dialoguing-listening in community. Presented at the Institute of Humanbecoming, Pittsburgh, PA. |
2012 | Presentation | Dickinson, D., Torrance, G., & Collins, L. (2012, May). Collaborative identity: Canadian occupational therapist assistant and physiotherapist assistant educators. Presented at the Canadian Physiotherapy Association Congress 2012, Saskatoon, SK. |
2012 | Publication | Kenaszchuk, C., Rykhoff, M., Collins, L., MacPhail, S., & van Soeren., M. (2012). Positive and null effects of an interprofessional education on attitudes toward interprofessional learning and collaboration. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 17(5), 651-669. doi:10.1007/s10459-011-9341-0 |
2012 | Publication | Ellis, W., Kaasalainen, S., Baxter, P., & Ploeg, J. (2012). The process of medication management for nurses in long term care. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 44 (3), 128-149. |
2012 | Publication | McPhail, S.,West-Merker, S., Collins, L., & van Soeren, M. (2012). Collaborating acrossagencies and professionals to provide interprofessional practice: A caseanalysis. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 25(3),240-241. doi:10.3109/13561820.2011.647126 |
2012 | Publication | Wylie, S.,& Fenning, K. (2012). Observing youngchildren: Transforming early learning through reflective practice (4th ed.). Toronto, ON: Nelson Education. |
2012 | Publication | Ellis,W., Kaasalainen, S., Baxter, P., & Ploeg, J. (in press). The process ofmedication management for nurses in long term care. CanadianJournal of Nursing Research. |
2012 | Publication | Bigelow, P., Betts, D., Hogg-Johnson, S., Amick, B., Sieber, K., Skinner, M., & Jakubicek, P. (2012). Health, safety, and wellness of truck drivers in Canada: Results of a pilot study. In N. Kassabian (Ed.), Transportation Research Board Conference Proceedings on the Web 5. Research on the Health and Wellness of Commercial Truck and Bus Drivers, 95-105. |
2011 | Presentation | Filice, S., Cop, S. (2011, December). Determining the impact of clinical simulation on student satisfaction and self-confidence in their skills and knowledge regarding patient care. Presented at Ontario Simulation Exposition 2011, Toronto, ON. |
2011 | Presentation | Allen, D., Bainbridge, L., Gardner, D., Orchard, C., Rykhoff, M., Sexton, M., & Schmitt, M. (2011, November). What are IPE competencies? Implementing national guidelines. Presented at Collaborating Across Borders III, Tucson, AZ. |
2011 | Presentation | Rykhoff, M., MacCalman, C., van Soeren, M., & Reeves, S. (2011, November). Supporting interprofessional culture for sustainability: Faculty driven interprofessional initiatives. Presented at Collaborating Across Borders III, Tucson, AZ. |
2011 | Presentation | Rykhoff, M., MacCalman, C., Duquette, L., McPhail, S., & Lee, S. (2011, November). Promoting patient safety: Engaging students and faculty across ten diverse programs. Presented at Collaborating Across Borders III, Tucson, AZ. |
2011 | Presentation | Fenning, K., & Tuck, J. (2011, November). Being a responsive and inclusive educator. Presented at the Andrew Fleck Child Care Services Anniversary Conference, Ottawa, ON. |
2011 | Presentation | Aka, S., & Murphy, W. (2011, October). Online support for professional competency development of clinical nursing instructors. Presented at the 2011 STEMTech Conference, Indianapolis, IN. |
2011 | Presentation | McPhail S., West-Merker, S., Collins L. (2011, June). Learning together clinically: The student perspective. Presented at the World Physiotherapy Congress, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. |
2011 | Presentation | White-Williams, K. (2011, June). Articulating the unique value of nursing. Presented at ARCASN Conference, Antigonish, NS. |
2011 | Presentation | Richardson, P., Hawkins, P., & Brunet, R. (2011, June). Using high fidelity simulation to improve interprofessional partnerships. Presented at Second Annual Sunnybrook Health Centre IPE/IPC Showcase, Toronto, ON |
2011 | Presentation | Stewart, R. (2011, June). Body worlds Humber: Anatomy revealed. Presented at Humber Showcase 2011, Toronto, ON. |
2011 | Presentation | Woodcock, B. (2011, June). Protect sleep. Presented at Humber Showcase 2011. Toronto, ON. |
2011 | Presentation | Filice, S., Cowan, C., Rykhoff, M., Wexler, E., White-Williams, K., and Wong, S. (2011, June). The impact of integration of decision support into an undergraduate nursing curriculum. Presented at Humber Showcase 2011, Toronto, ON. |
2011 | Presentation | Devlin-Cop, S., van Soeren, M. (2011, June). Story telling engages student learning in Stilwell, Ontario. Presented at Humber Showcase 2011, Toronto, ON. |
2011 | Presentation | White-Williams, H. K., Adams, P., & Ellis, W. (2011, June). Igniting interest: Undergraduate students and the application of research to practice. Presented at the ARCASN Conference, Antigonish, NS. |
2011 | Presentation | Semple, J. (2011, June). Cancer: The basics. Presented at Humber Showcase 2011, Toronto, ON. |
2011 | Presentation | Welnetz, K. (2011, May). Instilling leadership into clinical education: Perspectives of clinical teachers and nursing students. Presented at the CASN Nursing Academic Leadership Conference. Quebec City, QC. |
2011 | Presentation | Chiovitti, R.F. (2011, May). Theory of protective empowering as a new lens for balancing student safety with choices in nursing education. Presented at the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN) 2011 Nursing Academic Leadership Conference, Quebec City, QC. |
2011 | Presentation | Rykhoff, M., McPhail, S., Kenaszchuk, C., van Soeren, M., MacMillan, K., & Reeves S. (2011, January). Impact of an interprofessional education workshop for final year students from ten programs: Findings from a mixed methods study. Presented at IPE Ontario 2011/ Ontario Interprofessional Health Collaborative, Toronto, ON |
2011 | Presentation | Mohaupt, J., van Soeren, M., Andrusyszyn, M-A., MacMillan, K., Devlin-Cop, S., & Reeves, S. (2011, January). How contact theory helps our understanding of the effects of interprofessional education. Presented at IPE Ontario 2011/ Ontario Interprofessional Health Collaborative, Toronto, ON |
2011 | Presentation | McPhail S., West-Merker, S., Collins L. (2011, January). Learning together clinically: The student perspective. Presented at the IPE Ontario 2011/ Ontario Interprofessional Health Collaborative, Toronto, ON |
2011 | Presentation | Baker, L., van Soeren, M., Cop, S., MacMillan, K., Egan-Lee, E., Reeves S. (2011, January). The role of facilitation in interprofessional simulated learning. Presented at IPE Ontario 2011/ Ontario Interprofessional Health Collaborative, Toronto, ON |
2011 | Presentation | Rykhoff, M., MacCalman, C., van Soeren, M., & Reeves S. (2011, January). A qualitative exploration of the development of faculty knowledge and networks through the implementation of interprofessional education. Presented at IPE Ontario 2011/ Ontario Interprofessional Health Collaborative, Toronto, ON |
2011 | Publication | Kenaszchuk, C., MacMillan, K., van Soeren, M., Reeves, S. (2011). Short-term association between simulation training and interprofessional collaboration: Attitudes and behaviours. BMC Medicine, 9, 29-39. |
2011 | Publication | Kenaszchuk,C., Rykhoff, M., Collins, L., MacPhail, S., & van Soeren., M. (2011).Positive and null effects of aninterprofessional education on attitudes toward interprofessional learning andcollaboration. Advances in Health Sciences Education, in press. Published ahead of print on December 9,2011. doi:10.1007/s10459-011-9341-0 |
2011 | Presentation | Richardson, P., Hawkins, P., & Brunet, R. (2011, January). Using high fidelity simulation to improve interprofessional partnerships. Presented at IPE Ontario 2011/ Ontario Interprofessional Health Collaborative, Toronto, ON |
2011 | Publication | vanSoeren, M., Devlin-Cop, S., MacMillan, K., Baker, L., Egan-Lee, E., &Reeves, S. (2011). Simulatedinterprofessional care: An analysis of teaching and learning processes. Journalof Interprofessional Care, 25(6), 434-440. doi:10.3109/13561820.2011.592229 |
2011 | Publication | Chiovitti, R.F. (2011). Theoryof protective empowering for balancing patient safety and choices. Nursing Ethics, 18(1), 88-101. |
2010 | Presentation | Bigelow, P., Betts, D., Amick, B., Sieber, K., Hogg-Johnson, S., & Skinner, M. (2010, November). Health, safety and wellness of truck drivers in Canada: Results of a pilot study. Presented at The International Conference on Commercial Driver Health and Wellness, Baltimore, MD. |
2010 | Presentation | Hunt, C. (2010, October/November). Work safety for young part time workers: Developing an assessment tool and testing an intervention. Presented at the American Public Health Association Meeting. Washington, DC. |
2010 | Presentation | Rykhoff, M., Duquette, L., Gray, E., MacCalman, C., & McPhail, S. (2010, October). Promoting a culture of patient safety through integrated interprofessional education interactive sessions. Presented at the RNAO's Knowledge, the Power of Nursing Conference, Toronto, ON. |
2010 | Presentation | Rykhoff, M., & Wexler, E. (2010, October). Building capacity for leadership at the undergraduate level. Presented at the RNAO's Knowledge, the Power of Nursing Conference, Toronto, ON. |
2010 | Presentation | Hunt, C. & Breslin, C. (2010, June). Development and testing of the student work safety assessment tool (SWSAT). Presented at STLHE 2010 Annual Conference, Toronto, ON. |
2010 | Presentation | Hunt, C. & Marini Z. (2010, June). Building a culture of civility in nursing education. Presented at the STLHE 2010 Annual Conference, Toronto, ON. |
2010 | Presentation | van Soeren, M., MacMillan, K., Cop, S., Reeves, S., Yang, J., Knechtel, L., Schumacher, S., Ellis, S., Ramagnano, S., & Howald, R. (2010, June). Stilwell Ontario: An interprofessional education tool. Presented at the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre Interprofessional Education/Care Showcase, Toronto, ON. |
2010 | Presentation | Diem, E., Moyer, A., Schofield, R., & Hunt, C. (2010, June). Placement factors that contribute to student confidence in community health nursing. Presented at the 4th National Community Health Nurses Conference, Toronto, ON. |
2010 | Presentation | Welnetz, K. (2010, June). Analyses of clinical site visits and nursing students surveys on clinical. Presented at the International Clinical Nursing Research Conference, Ottawa, ON. |
2010 | Presentation | Stone, J., & Duquette, L. (2010, June). Why men enter nursing: Development of a recruitment and retention strategy. Presented at the Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing 3rd Annual Research Day, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON. |
2010 | Presentation | Hunt, C. (2010, June). Toxic teens?: Environmental exposures in the workplace. Presented at the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments and the University of Maryland School of Nursing National Conference: Our Environment our Health a Nurse's Call to Action. Baltimore, MD. |
2010 | Presentation | Hunt, C., Breslin, C., & Kells P. (2010, November). Bridging the gap: Workplace safety and young workers. Presented at the American Public Health Association’s 138th Annual Meeting & Expo, Denver, CO. |
2010 | Presentation | Aka, S. (2010, June). Multiple intelligences. Presented at Humber Showcase 2010, Toronto, ON. |
2010 | Presentation | Stone, J. (2010, June). Making life and learning exciting: Helping Haiti and your students. Presented at Humber Showcase 2010, Toronto, ON. |
2010 | Presentation | Stone, J. (2010, June). Why men enter nursing: The development of a recruitment and retention strategy. Presented at Humber Showcase 2010, Toronto, ON. |
2010 | Presentation | Hunt, C., & Breslin, C. (2010, June). Development and testing of the student work safety assessment tool (SWSAT). Presented at Humber Showcase 2010, Toronto, ON. |
2010 | Presentation | Duquette, L. (2010, June). Online health assessment: Lessons learned. Presented at Humber Showcase 2010, Toronto, ON. |
2010 | Presentation | Rykhoff, M., & Faulkner, D. (2010, June). Transforming knowledge of environmental health into nurse practice through partnership with the Canadian Nursing Association. Presented at the Canadian Public Health Association Conference, Toronto, ON. |
2010 | Presentation | MacMillan, K., Jeffs, L., Rose, D., & MacRae, C. (2010, June). Near misses in mental health settings: An exploratory study. Presented at the Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing 3rd Annual Nursing Research Day, Toronto, ON. |
2010 | Presentation | Bigelow, P., Betts, D., Amick, B., Sieber, K., Hogg-Johnson, S., Jakubicek, P., & Pitt, G. (2010, May). Developing a survey to assess the health, safety and wellness of truck drivers. Presented at Canadian Association for Research on Work and Health Conference, Toronto, ON. |
2010 | Presentation | Duquette, L., & Miron, J. (2010, May). From here to there, and how to make it work. Presented at the Educational Technology Committee 16th Annual Conference, Toronto, ON. |
2010 | Presentation | Dundas, J., & Laurence, S. (2010, May). Humber college welcome: A primer on negotiating the conference and the exhibit hall. Presented at the Canadian Seating & Mobility Conference, Toronto, ON. |
2010 | Presentation | Deleo, S., & Ryder, S. (2010, May). Hands-on wheelchair mobility skills. Presented at the Canadian Seating & Mobility Conference, Toronto, ON. |
2010 | Presentation | MacCalman, C., van Soeren, M., & Yang, J. (2010, May). Promoting interprofessional collaboration with primary care paramedic students. Presented at the Northern Interprofessional Collaborators Conference, North Bay, ON. |
2010 | Presentation | Wong, S. (2010, May). Education about the future. Presented at the Toronto District School Board’s South Asian Community Symposium, Toronto, ON. |
2010 | Presentation | Miron, J., & Devlin-Cop. (2010, May). Intraprofessional leadership in nursing. Presented at the CASN Nurse Educators' Conference 2010, Winnipeg, MB. |
2010 | Presentation | Duquette, L., & Miron, J. (2010, May). Hybrid health assessment online - blended teaching practices. Presented at the CASN Nurse Educators' Conference 2010, Winnipeg, MB. |
2010 | Presentation | Marsh, R., To, R., Payne-Mercer, K., Mercer, L., & Page, G. (2010, April). Accessing postsecondary educational opportunities. Presented at the Human Rights and Persons with Intellectual Disabilities Conference, Niagara Falls, ON. |
2010 | Presentation | Walsh M., Giddens J., van Soeren, M. (2010, April). Using virtual communities to promote interprofessional education: a North American/British cooperative venture. Presented at Altogether Better Health 5, Sydney, Australia. |
2010 | Presentation | van Soeren, M., MacMillan, K., Reeves, S., Cop, S., & Baker, L. (2010, April). Facilitating interprofessional learning within an interprofessional clinical simulation context: An exploratory study. Presented at All Together Better Health 5, Sydney, Australia. |
2010 | Presentation | Devlin-Cop, S., MacMillan, K., Reeves, S., Kenaszchuk, C., Baker, L., & van Soeren, M. (2010, April). The impact of interprofessional clinical simulation education on interprofessional care. Presented at All Together Better Health 5, Sydney, Australia. |
2010 | Presentation | Devlin-Cop, S., Caldwell, J., Filice, S., Steger, T., & van Soeren, M. (2010, April). Scholarship, the long and winding road. Presented at All Together Better Health 5, Sydney, Australia. |
2010 | Presentation | van Soeren, M., Devlin-Cop, S., MacMillan, K., & Reeves, S. (2010, April). Use of a virtual learning community to develop interprofessional practices: Preliminary report. Presented at All Together Better Health 5, Sydney, Australia. |
2010 | Presentation | Aka, S. (2010, March). Multiple intelligences. Presented at the Part-time Teachers' MiniConference: Integrating Resources into Teaching and Learning, Toronto, ON. |
2010 | Presentation | Yang, J., van Soeren, M., MacMillan, K., Walsh, M., & Devlin-Cop, S. (2010 March). Use of a virtual learning environment to enhance interprofessional education. Presented at the 6th Annual National Health Sciences Students' Association Conference, Hamilton, ON. |
2010 | Presentation | MacMillan, K., Jeffs, L., Rose, D., MacRae, C., Dusek, J., Kessler, L., & Tansey, M. (2010, March). Exploration of near misses in Ontario mental health settings. Presented to Grand Rounds, Ontario Shores, Whitby, ON. |
2010 | Presentation | MacMillan, K., Jeffs, L., Rose, D., MacRae, C., Dusek, J., Kessler, L., …Castel, S. (2010, March). Exploration of near misses in mental health settings. Presented at Ryerson University’s Faculty of Community Services SRC Poster Event, Toronto, ON. |
2010 | Presentation | Lee, S. (2010, February). Bridging for pharmacy technicians (panel member). Presented at the 28th Annual Pharmacy Technicians Conference, Toronto, ON. |
2010 | Presentation | van Soeren, M., MacMillan, K., Walsh, M., Yang, J., & Devlin-Cop, S. (2010, January). Achieving safer care through the development of a case based online environment for interprofessional education. Presented at the 10th Annual International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, Phoenix, AZ. |
2010 | Presentation | van Soeren, M., MacMillan, K., Walsh, M., & Devlin-Cop, S. (2010, January). Use of a virtual learning community to develop interprofessional practices. Presented at IPE Ontario 2010/0ntario Interprofessional Health Collaborative, Toronto, ON. |
2010 | Presentation | van Soeren, M., Walsh, M., MacMillan, K., & Devlin-Cop, S. (2010, January). Use of a virtual learning community to develop interprofessional practices. Presented at IPE Ontario 2010/ Ontario Interprofessional Health Collaborative, Toronto, ON. |
2010 | Presentation | Devlin-Cop, S., MacMillan, K., Reeves, S., Kenaszchuk, C., Baker, L., & van Soeren, M. (2010, January). The impact of interprofessional clinical simulation education on interprofessional care. Presented at IPE Ontario 2010/ Ontario Interprofessional HealthCollaborative, Toronto, ON. |
2010 | Presentation | Devlin-Cop, S., Caldwell, J., Filice, S., Steger, T., & van Soeren, M. (2010, January). The scholarship agenda: A long and winding road. Presented at IPE Ontario 2010/ Ontario Interprofessional Health Collaborative, Toronto, ON. |
2010 | Presentation | Baker, L., Reeves, S., Devlin-Cop, S., van Soeren, M., & MacMillan, K. (2010, January). A qualitative analysis of teaching and learning processes in an interprofessional simulated learning environment. Presented at IPE Ontario 2010/ Ontario Interprofessional Health Collaborative, Toronto, ON. |
2010 | Publication | Rykhoff, M., Coupland, C., Dionne J., Fudge, B., Gayle, C., et al. (2010). A clinical group's attempt to raise awareness on organ and tissue onation. Progress in Transplantation, 20(1), 33-39. |
2010 | Publication | Reeves,S., MacMillan, K., & van Soeren, M. (2010). Leadership of interprofessionalhealth and social care teams: A socio-historical analysis. Journal of NursingManagement, 18(3), 258-264. |
2010 | Publication | Jeffs, L., MacMillan, K., Rose, D., & MacRae, C. (2010). Safety threats and nets: Near misses in mental health. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 18(3), 258-64. |
2009 | Presentation | Lee, S. (2009, November). Ontario College of Pharmacists pharmacy technician regulation update (panel member). Presented at the Trillium Health Centre 1st Annual Pharmacy Technicians Conference, Toronto, ON. |
2009 | Presentation | van Soeren M., MacMillan K., Cop, S. Baker, L, Kenaszchuk C., Reeves S. (2009, October/November). The impact of interprofessional clinical simulation education on interprofessional care. Presented at the Sigma Theta Tau 40th Biennial Convention, Indianapolis, IN. |
2009 | Presentation | Chiovitti, R.F. (2009, October). The theory of protective empowering as a lens for health, healing and hope with individuals in acute psychiatric-mental health settings. Presented at the Canadian Federation of Mental Health Nurses National Conference, Halifax, NS. |
2009 | Presentation | MacMillan, K., Baker, L., Cop, S., van Soeren, M., & Reeves, S. (2009, October). Facilitating interprofessional learning within an interprofessional clinical simulation context: An exploratory study. Presented at the Wilson Centre Research Day, Toronto, ON. |
2009 | Presentation | Welnetz, K. (2009, October). Learning from our clinical teachers and students in nursing placements. Presented at RNAO’s 4th International Conference on Education for the Future of Nursing: Building Capacity Through Innovation, Markham, ON. |
2009 | Presentation | MacMillan, K., Devlin-Cop, S., van Soeren, M., Reeves, S., Baker, L., & Kenaszchuk, C. (2009, October). Using simulation to enhance patient safety through interprofessional care. Presented at the Canadian Healthcare Safety Symposium, Montreal, QC. |
2009 | Presentation | MacMillan, K., Jeffs, L., Rose, D., MacRae, C., Dusek, J., Kessler, L., & Tansey, M. (2009, September). Exploration of near misses in mental health settings. Presented at the World Congress of the World Federation for Mental Health, Athens, Greece. |
2009 | Presentation | MacMillan, K., Dusek, J., Jeffs, L., Kessler, L., MacRae, C., Rose, D., et al. (2009, June). Exploration of near misses in mental health settings. Presented at the International Council of Nurses Quadrennial Meeting, Durban, South Africa. |
2009 | Presentation | Jeffs, L., Tregunno, D., Espin, S., & MacMillan, K. (2009, June). Building clinical and organizational resilience to reconcile safety threats, tensions and trade-offs: Insights from collective evidence. Presentation at the International Council of Nurses Quadrennial Meeting, Durban, South Africa. |
2009 | Presentation | van Soeren, M., MacMillan, K., Cop, S., & Reeves, S. (2009, June). Using simulation to enhance patient safety through interprofessional care. Presented at the ICN 24th Quadrennial Congress, Durban, South Africa. |
2009 | Presentation | Bigelow, P., Betts, D., Amick, B., Sieber, K., Hogg-Johnson, S., & Jakubicek, P. (2009, June). Developing a national survey of truck drivers: Gathering stakeholder perceptions of key risks and risk factors in collisions, health, safety and wellness. Presented at the 19th Canadian Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference, Saskatoon, SK. |
2009 | Presentation | van Soeren, M., MacMillan, K., & Reeves, S. (2009, May). The challenge of implementing interprofessional care within a historically derived health care system. Presented at Collaborating Across Borders II, Halifax, NS. |
2009 | Presentation | Rykhoff, M., Duquette, L., Gray, E., & MacCalman, C. (2009, May). Enhancing patient safety through interprofessional education. Presented at the Collaborating Across Borders II Conference, Halifax, NS. |
2009 | Presentation | Kenaszchuk, C., van Soeren, M., MacMillan, K., Cop, S., & Reeves, S. (2009, May). Effects of simulation training of interprofessional collaboration: Baseline and follow up measurement of clinician-reported IPC behaviour. Presented at Collaborating Across Borders II, Halifax, NS. |
2009 | Presentation | MacMillan, K., Dusek, J., Jeffs, L., MacRae, C., & Rose, D. (2009, May). Exploration of near misses in mental health settings. Presented at the Canadian Association of School of Nursing Research Conference, Moncton, NB. |
2009 | Presentation | van Soeren, M., Walsh, M., MacMillan, K., & Devlin-Cop, S. (2009, May). Achieving safer care through the development of a case based online environment for interprofessional education. Presented at the Canadian Healthcare Symposium, Montreal, QC. |
2009 | Presentation | Valerio, J. (2009, May). Rediscovering the gifts of nature for ourselves and children. Presented at the Association of Early Childhood Educators Ontario (AECEO) 59th Conference, Windsor, ON. |
2009 | Presentation | Semple, J. (2009, May). Who’s your daddy? An introduction to molecular biology. Presented at Humber Showcase 2009, Toronto, ON. |
2009 | Presentation | Oyama, L. (2009, May). Rethinking infants and toddlers in groups: Using a learning space approach. Presented at the Association of Early Childhood Educators Ontario (AECEO) 59th Conference, Windsor, ON. |
2009 | Presentation | Reeves S., Baker, L., van Soeren, M., Cop, S., & MacMillan, K. (2009, May). A qualitative analysis of teaching and learning processes in an interprofessional simulated learning environment. Presented at Collaborating Across Borders II, Halifax, NS. |
2009 | Presentation | Cop, S., van Soeren, M., MacMillan, K., & Reeves, S. (2009, May). The impact of interprofessional clinical simulation education on interprofessional care. Presented at Collaborating Across Borders II, Halifax, NS. |
2009 | Presentation | Fenning, K., Short, J., Simone, R., & Steckley, J. (2009, May). Education unplugged: Rage against the machine. Presented at Humber Showcase 2009, Toronto, ON. |
2009 | Presentation | Jabar, A., McMillan, S., Ricketts, J., Marusic-Ljubicic, D., & Munnick, M. (2009, May). Mastering the mix: Working with students with diverse needs. Presented at Humber Showcase 2009, Toronto, ON. |
2009 | Presentation | Caldwell, J., Cop, S., Filice, S., Steger, T.,& van Soeren, M. (2009, May). The scholarship agenda: A long and windingroad. Presented at Humber Showcase2009, Toronto, ON. |
2009 | Presentation | MacMillan, K., Dusek, J., Jeffs, L., MacRae, C., & Rose, D. (2009, April). Exploration of near misses in mental health settings. Presented at Canada's Forum on Patient Safety and Quality Improvement, Toronto, ON. |
2009 | Presentation | Fraser, J., & Kassam, T. (2009, April). A model to improve safe medication practices. Presented at Canada's Forum on Patient Safety and Quality Improvement, Toronto, ON. |
2009 | Presentation | Kassam, T. (2009, March). Medication safety and improving students practices – A model to guide educators. Presented at RPNAO 2009 Educators’ Conference, Mississauga, ON. |
2009 | Presentation | van Soeren, M., Reeves, S., MacMillan, K., Cop, S., & Kenaszchuk, C. (2009, January). The impact of interprofessional clinical simulation education on interprofessional care. Presented at IPE Ontario 2009/ Ontario Interprofessional Health Collaborative, Toronto, ON. |
2009 | Presentation | van Soeren, M., MacMillan, K., Cop, S., Kenaszchuk, C., Baker, L., and Reeves, S. (2009, January). The impact of interprofessional clinical simulation education on interprofessional care: Preliminary report. Presented at IPE Ontario 2009/ Ontario Interprofessional Health Collaborative, Toronto, ON. |
2009 | Presentation | Rykhoff, M., Duquette, L., Gray, E., MacCalman, C., McPhail, S., & MacMillan, K. (2009, January). Field of dreams: If you build interprofessional education opportunities, they will come. Presented at IPE Ontario 2009/ Ontario Interprofessional Health Collaborative, Toronto, ON |
2009 | Publication | Locker, D., Maggirias, J. & Wexler, E. (2009). What frames of reference underlie self-ratings of oral health? Journal of Public Health Dentistry, 69(2), 78-89. |
2009 | Publication | vanSoeren, M., MacMillan, K., Cop, S., Kenaszchuk, C., & Reeves, S. (2009).Development and evaluation ofinterprofessional care practices through clinical simulation. Journal ofInterprofessional Care, 23(3),304-306. |
2009 | Publication | Jeffs, L., MacMillan K., McKey, C., & Ferris, E. (2009). Nursing leaders' accountability to narrow the safety chasm: Insights and implications from the collective evidence base on health care safety. Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership, 22(1), 86-98. |
2009 | Publication | Jeffs, L., Espin S., Tregunno, D., & MacMillan, K. (2009). Building clinical and organizational resilience to reconcile safety threats, tensions and trade-offs: Insights from theory and evidence. Patient Safety Papers 12(sp), 75-59. |
2009 | Publication | Jeffs, L., MacMillan, K., & Maione, M. (2009). Leveraging safer nursing care by conceptualizing near misses as recovery processes. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 24(2), 166-171. |
2008 | Presentation | Hunt, C., & Woodside, R. (2008, May). New x 2: Orientation for college faculty in collaborative nursing education: A case study. Presented at the 2008 CASN Nursing Academic Leadership Conference, Toronto, ON. |
2008 | Presentation | Kassam, T. (2008, October). Use of learner-centered, empowering evaluation approach. Presented at Educating the Future Nursing and Healthcare Workforce: A Global Challenge, Toronto, ON. |
2008 | Presentation | MacMillan,K., Dusek, J., Jeffs, L., MacRae, C., & Rose, D. (2008, September). Explorationof near misses in mentalhealth settings. Presented at the Patient Safety in Mental Health RoundtableEvent, Canadian Patient Safety Institute/Ontario Hospital Association, Toronto,ON. |
2008 | Presentation | Rykhoff, M., & Wexler, E. (2008, May). Enhancing nursing students’ core leadership skills and competencies in a 4th year nursing leadership course. Presented at the 2008 CASN Nursing Academic Leadership Conference, Toronto, ON. |
2008 | Presentation | MacMillan, K., Jeffs, L., Affonso, D., Kennedy, C., Dacres, L., Kim, J., …Sivanantham, V. (2008, April). Nurses' knowledge and attitudes associated with near misses: Evaluation of the impact of a knowledge transfer intervention for pressure ulcer prevention and care. Presented at the International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare, Paris, France. |
2008 | Publication | Hunt, C., Gibson, C., & Dean, A. (2008). A journey towards a healthy collaborative nursing program: A case study. Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership, 21(2), 38-50. |
2008 | Publication | Jeffs, L., Affonso, D.O., & MacMillan, K. (2008). Near misses: Paradoxical realities in everyday clinical practice. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 14, 486-494. |
2008 | Publication | MacMillan,K. (2008). Re: “Desperately seeking newgraduates with specialized experiences,” editorial, 20(3), 2007 [Letter to the editor]. Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership, 20(4), 4-6. |
2007 | Presentation | Filice, S., Cowan, C., Elliott, M., Fors, P., & White-Williams, K. (2007, November). Supporting the clinical teacher: Essential ingredient for student success and transition to practitioner. Presented at the 2007 CASN Nursing Academic Leadership Conference, Kingston, ON. |
2007 | Presentation | Hunt, C. (2007, November). Developing a moral culture in undergraduate nursing students: Teachers sharing professional stories with students. Presented at the 2007 CASN Nursing Academic Leadership Conference, Kingston, ON. |
2007 | Presentation | Rykhoff, M. (2007, September). A clinical group's attempt to raise awareness in organ and tissue donation. Presented at Humber ITAL Research Day, Toronto, ON. |
2007 | Presentation | Wong, S., White-Williams, K., & Kennedy, C. (2007, June). Effectiveness of the Turning Point Technologies in promoting student learning. Presented at Rutgers 25th Annual International Nursing Computer and Technology Conference, San Francisco, CA. |
2007 | Publication | Locker, D., Wexler, E. & Schou, L. (2007). Principles of oral health promotion. In C. Pine & R. Harris (Eds.), Community oral health (pp. 1-16). London, UK: Quintessence Publishing Co. Ltd. |
2007 | Publication | Gladstone, J.W., Dupuis, S.L., & Wexler, E. (2007). Ways that families engage with staff in long-term care facilities. Canadian Journal on Aging, 26(4), 391-402. |
2006 | Publication | Gladstone, J.W., Dupuis, S.L., & Wexler, E. (2006). Changes in family involvement following a relative’s move to a long-term care facility. Canadian Journal on Aging, 25(1), 93-106. |
2005 | Presentation | Duquette, L., & Rykhoff, M. (2005, May). Multi-tasking: Meeting the needs of our curriculum, students and community partners. Presented at the University of New Brunswick 10th Annual Nursing Research Day, Fredericton, NB. |
2005 | Publication | Locker, D., Wexler, E., & Jokovic, A. (2005). What do older adults’ global self-ratings of oral health measure? Journal of Public Health Dentistry, 65(3) 146-152. |
2005 | Publication | MacIntosh, J., & Wexler, E. (2005). Across the miles: Interprovincial partnership in nursing education. Canadian Nurse, 101(4), 17-20. |
2004 | Publication | Lewis,S., Heitkemper, M., & Kicksen, S. (2004). Alzheimers. In S. West-Merker (Ed.), Medical & surgical nursing (6th ed.,pp. 1589-1608). St. Louis, MO: Mosby. |
Name |
Amanda Baskwill – Best Oral Presentation Award, Geoffrey Norman Day in Education Research (2017). |
Craig MacCalman – Innovation of the Year Award, Humber College ITAL (2018). |
Louise Zimanyi – John and Suanne Roueche Award of Excellence, League for Innovation in the Community College (2017). |
Marsha Barrett – Award for Excellence in Teaching, National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (2017). |