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Our team of trained faculty members and students can help you set goals to build and sustain a healthy lifestyle. Our events, programs and workshops will show you how to eat better, exercise more and maintain positive habits.

person meditating

Wellness Workshops

Faculty and Student-led workshops give participants practical instruction on how to form healthy habits.

Wellness Coaching

Offered During Winter Semester

Creating a vision for yourself and goal setting are the first steps as you work towards a healthier and happier lifestyle. Humber’s staff and faculty can register for free, personalized one-to-one wellness coaching sessions. These coaching sessions are tailored to your holistic wellness goals so that you can achieve your unique health and wellness goals with a strengths-based, judgment-free approach. Wellness sessions are conducted weekly or bi-weekly, led by Humber's Wellness Coaching Graduate Program students. The students can help you with achieving your goals related to physical, emotional, social and overall well-being.

Some of the areas Wellness Coaching students can help include:

  • Creating life balance
  • Learning how to take advantage of personal strengths and talents
  • Developing and maintaining a positive and healthy mindset
  • Stress management
  • Self-care
  • Making positive lifestyle changes related to nutrition, physical activity, and/or sleep

For questions and to register, contact

Person talking to personal trainer

People sitting on yoga mats

Healthy Breaks@Humber

This is an initiative that involves taking a short 10-minute break during the workday, in the middle of a meeting or class to refresh the body and mind. A healthy break can be taken through Movement (stretching) or Mindfulness (guided meditation). Research has proven that taking a healthy break during the day can help improve mental health, increase productivity and creativity, lessen body aches and pains and increase engagement.

To book a session please email us with your date, time and location of where you would like it to take place!


The Centre for Innovation in Health and Wellness (CIHW), in collaboration with Student Wellness and Equitable Learning (SWEL) and Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness (HROE), is excited to continue the Mindfulness@Humber series. Studies show mindfulness helps reduce stress and anxiety, and we are proud to offer this initiative to help support a healthy and inclusive community at Humber.

Mindfulness@Humber offers virtual and in-person guided mindfulness meditation sessions to all members of the Humber community (staff, faculty, and students) throughout the semester. Participants can register into any session(s), choosing in-person or online—which ever works best for them.

For more information, please email

Person with eyes closed outdoors