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Are you interested in developing a new skill or validating one that you already have?

In today’s rapidly evolving labour market, Humber’s micro-credentials provide you with an opportunity to showcase your expertise in a specialized area. These targeted learning experiences are much shorter than traditional programs and allow you to demonstrate your skills in a format that suits your busy schedule.

Once you successfully complete a Humber micro-credential, you will be granted a shareable digital badge that validates your competencies. Displaying a digital badge on your professional profile will set you apart in today’s hyper competitive job market where resumes are no longer enough.

Whether you are looking to enhance your resume, test out your capabilities in a new field, or take your existing expertise to the next level, our micro-credentials are designed to help you achieve your professional goals.

Micro-credential digital badge

Faculty of Health Sciences & Wellness, Continuous Professional Learning

Coronary Care

This micro-credential is designed for any nurse (RPN or RN) or other health-care professional wanting to build on rhythm analysis by learning the skills to interpret a 12 Lead and/or 15 Lead ECG. The Learning Outcomes are supported by the 2023 Canadian Council of Cardiovascular Nurses (CCCN) and the Canadian Association of Critical Care Nurses (CACCN) competency standards.

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5 Weeks, Approx. 15 Hours of Study

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Details & Registration  

Micro-credential digital badge

Faculty of Health Sciences & Wellness, Continuous Professional Learning

IV Therapy for Health Care Workers

This micro-credential is designed to assist the RN/RPN in the knowledge and skills development required to initiate and manage IV therapy via short and long-term central venous access devices and implanted vascular access devices. Learners will be given an overview of blood transfusion, pain management and administration, safe handling and administration of chemotherapy, and how to safely administer intravenous direct medications. They will be introduced to the principles, nursing implications and patient care management associated with both peripheral and central line access for Total Parenteral Nutrition. Familiarization with equipment and the opportunity to practise the advanced skills to care for patients with access devices is provided in a laboratory setting. This course is offered in multiple delivery formats (online and in- person).

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6 Weeks, Approx. 24 Hours of Study

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Details & Registration  

Micro-credential digital badge

Faculty of Health Sciences & Wellness, Continuous Professional Learning

Phlebotomy for Health Care

This course is designed to assist the Licensed Health Care Professional (RN/RPN) and the Non-Health Care worker in the knowledge and skill development required to draw blood samples, via venipuncture, for laboratory testing. Concepts of blood chemistry and hematology will be introduced. Familiarization with equipment and opportunity to practice the advanced skills to care for patients is provided in a laboratory setting.

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6 Weeks, Approx. 24 Hours of Study

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Details & Registration