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Humber Nursing Graduates

So you’ve completed your BN or PN education at Humber and have passed your registration exam! Congratulations! It’s time to celebrate. Nursing is one of the most rewarding careers and is regarded as the most respected profession in Canada.

How will you set yourself apart from your peers?

The School of Health Sciences, Continuing Education Department provides post-graduate nursing education. With programs such as Nephrology, Coronary Care, Obstetrics, and Emergency Nursing, students can acquire skills in a clinical specialty (beyond entry-to-practice) to become a specialist and differentiate themselves from other nurses.

“But I’ve already finished school, why would I go back?”

Excellence in nursing practice involves a commitment to learn and apply new knowledge that becomes available through participation in CE programs. In addition to obtaining specialist knowledge, continuous learning promotes professional growth, critical thinking, and can improve patient care and outcomes. The Canadian Nurses Association (2000) states, “Enhancing continuing competence through lifelong learning is essential to professional nursing practice because it contributes to the quality of patient outcomes and to the evidence base for nursing practice.”

What does a certificate tell a potential employer about you?

If a hiring manager had a choice between two similar candidates for a position in the Critical Care department, but only one candidate had a Critical Care certificate, which one would they choose? A certificate on your resume indicates to a manager that you have additional knowledge in a specialized field and are better equipped to perform the job requirements they are hiring for.

“I want to go back to school, why come back to Humber?”

In addition to being your alma mater, Humber has one of the most distinguished departments in Continuing Education for the Health Sciences. From our experienced instructors who are active in their respective specialties, to flexible learning options which include both online and face-to-face classes, we continue to strive to be the gold standard in life-long learning for the health sciences.

We maintain major partnerships with most health care organizations in the GTA and most of our programs have clinical placements where students are able to apply their skills. This also gives you the opportunity to network with prospective employers and get your name out there – our students often receive job offers from their placements!