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Human Body Donor Program

PLEASE NOTE: This web page discusses body donation for anatomical study and for funeral service study. Donation may be considered for either program or specifically to one, based on the donor’s preference.

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Our Gratitude

The students, faculty and staff, and all those associated with the body donation program at Humber College want to thank you for considering this generous and unique contribution to learning and research at our institution. This important gift allows for a fuller and richer education for students, so that even after death, donors and their families are making an incredibly special contribution to the training of future professionals within funeral services and health-related disciplines.

Each year Humber College hosts a memorial service to honour the donors and their families and formally commemorate their gift to the college. This is a time for those of us who have had the privilege of learning from those that have chosen to contribute in this way, to share with the family and friends of the donor, the immense gratitude we have for their gift. It is also a time for the friends and family of the donor to hear of the impact their selfless act of honouring their loved ones wishes has had.

We genuinely appreciate your consideration of the Humber Body Donation Program.


Your Impact

To donate one's own body is truly a noble and selfless act. The knowledge provided through such a gift will affect the lives of countless individuals across multiple generations, from our faculty and staff, to our students and those of the general public with whom they will interact in their careers. You will be providing invaluable and compelling learning opportunities to funeral service, nurses, paramedics, fitness, massage therapy and traditional Chinese medicine students to name a few.

When considering the donation of human remains, many Schools of Anatomy in Ontario have a long list of acceptance criteria that preclude the acceptance of numerous donors that would otherwise benefit students. Humber, however, offers a unique opportunity for those who wish to leave one final, positive impact on society by having a much wider acceptance criteria that provides our students with experience interacting with individuals from practically all aspects of anatomy, physiology, and pathology.

Because of this, your donation allows students to gain knowledge, confidence and competency in their profession, and an appreciation and respect for those that give of themselves for the benefit of their learning. The impact and memory of your gift on faculty, staff and students is permanent as we are all changed through the experience.

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Many people wish to bequeath their bodies for education and research thereby making a unique contribution to the advancement of society. In recognition of this wish, the Gift of Life Act and the Anatomy Act allow for such bequeathals, provided there is no objection from next-of-kin. Donations and the operation of all Schools of Anatomy in the province are supervised by the Chief Coroner of Ontario.

The Faculty of Health Sciences & Wellness at Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning prioritizes respect for all peoples, living and deceased. After death, there remains the physical representation of a person who was loved by their family and occupied a role both in their family and in the community that was unique. Because of this alone, this person deserves the highest respect that should be accorded to all people everywhere. Those who interact with donors adhere to the highest levels of ethical practice realizing that the dead are defenseless and therefore must be defended.

Humber College is the only community college recognized as a School of Anatomy, and able to utilize whole body donors for funeral service education and anatomical study. Faculty and staff ensure that students understand and adhere to the principles we maintain, and over time they develop a deep level of respect and gratitude.

How To Arrange The Donation Of Your Body

Please ensure you always discuss alternative funeral arrangements with your family and estate trustee.
There are two programs available: