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Stilwell Introduction

Stilwell Canada,, a virtual Faculty of Health Sciences & Wellness community, formerly named Stilwell Ontario. The name “Stilwell” is derived from a town in Northwest England and was founded by Michael Walsh – one of the early settlers. The website models the inspiration for our virtual community.

What is it?

  • Over a dozen cases, supported with videos and electronic health records.
  • Stilwell is a virtual learning tool, consisting of a series of videos, blog posts and online newspaper articles, all pertaining to the characters of the fictional city of Stilwell.
  • Designed to represent a typical Canadian neighbourhood with a wide social and cultural demographic mix, the health, social and personal problems of the residents are situated, contextualized, and followed. Their stories are brought to life and embedded in the community with the aid of multimedia.
  • Learners (both students and practicing clinicians) from different disciplines work through the cases to respond to health related issues and to create dialogue around the roles and responsibilities of providers. Participants experience greater engagement in the lives and events of the people in Stilwell compared to a typical case study.

Who is this for?

  • Multiple FHSW programs currently use the site, for example, Nursing (both diploma and degree programs), Paramedic, Pharmacy Technician, and Post-Grad Nursing.
  • The content is flexible and can be incorporated into programs that may be less obvious.

How to access? 

  • Every member of FHSW has access to this virtual community. If you do not have access, email Wendy Murphy
  • Initially, log in using your Humber email address for your username and password. After logging in the first time, you are encouraged to change your password. The Change Password link is at the bottom of the page. Perhaps synchronize it to be the same as your Humber account.

Faculty — Using Stilwell in class 

  • A profile with a filter will be set so the student only sees specific content. Seeing all the Stilwell content at once is overwhelming. Narrowing the focus is necessary.
  • Email Wendy Murphy to set up a custom Stilwell user profile for your course. Include: 
    • course code (for example nurs101), and 
    • the case(s) / episode(s) you want to use
  • One username is created for the entire class. 
  • Stilwell has been used at times during disruptions (outbreaks/closures). Stilwell provides learning for students while they are unable to enter their agency. It is good to have an idea of what to use before an disruption occurs. 

An evolving virtual community

  • Launched in 2009 and hosted externally, served learners well.
  • In 2019, an opportunity was presented to bring the content in-house. Removing the name 'Ontario' opened Canadian partnering opportunities. Our content management system now allows custom regions to be entered, for example Ontario, British Columbia, New Brunswick, etc, thus was born!
  • For advertising purposes we display, however a redirect sends the user to
  • It is a virtual community that can accommodate growth. Do you have an idea for content? Connect with yout Assocaite Dean and start the discussion.

Need Help? 

  • Email Wendy Murphy with any questions.
  • Facilitator / Student guides have not been created. Each case is open for your interpretation or application to meet the set curriculum goal.
  • Resident champions of Stilwell exist in FHSW. Ask and you will be connected to someone in FHSW.
  • Read Faculty testimonials and more.
  • After logging into Stilwell, staff members will see an 'Educators' page linking you to an alphabetical list of issues that may help you determine what content is the best for your class.  

Alphabetical List of Issues

  1. Advanced Directives 
  2. Aging 
  3. Allergies 
  4. Cardiovascular Disease 
  5. Children and Youth 
  6. Critical Care 
  7. Community and Social Care 
  8. Dementia 
  9. Diabetes Melitius 
  10. Diversity 
  11. Emergency Care 
  12. End of Life Care 
  13. Environmental Issues 
  14. Ethical Decision Making 
  15. Evidence Based Practice 
  1. Health Policy 
  2. Interprofessional Practice 
  3. Mental Health 
  4. Maternal Care 
  5. Organ Donation
  6. Pain 
  7. Palliative Care 
  8. Primary Health Care 
  9. Respiratory Disease 
  10. Safety – Public and Patient 
  11. Self-harm 
  12. Sexual Health 
  13. Simulation 
  14. Trauma