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Critical Care Nursing Introductory (Level 2 ICU) (In-Flight Fall 2024 and prior)

Certificate of Accomplishment | ICD2

Program Overview

Critical Care Nursing Introductory Certificate (ICU Level 2) units are capable of providing service to meet the needs of patients who require detailed observation or intervention including support for a failed organ system(s), short-term non-invasive ventilation or post-operative care as defined by Critical Care Services Ontario (CCS). 

You will learn post-graduate nursing assessment; evidence-informed nursing interventions; and how to develop collaborative and consultative partnerships with Level 2 ICU clients, their support systems and other health-care practitioners. You will also develop high-level critical thinking, care planning, leadership and professional practice skills.

For Details about the term schedule click here

If you are from a hospital looking to sponsor your staff into this program, please email

Admission Requirements

  • registered nurse (RN)
  • to apply for this certificate program please select Next Steps below

Academic Partnership with Canadian Nurses Association

Canadian Nurses Association

Additional Information 

New! Please be advised that the Critical Care Nursing Certificate will be phased out. The current certificate will not be offered after Fall 2025. 

We will be phasing out the current courses as follows:


Current Course

Last Offering 

NEUR 510 

Summer 2025 

RESP 510 

Summer 2025 

RNCC 501

Summer 2025 

HARN 513 (Clinical) 

Fall 2025 

CORN 510 

No Phase Out 

NEPH 610

No Phase Out 

POST 500 

No Phase Out 

Please note, CORN 510, CORN 511, NEPH 610 & POST 500 will remain unchanged and will continue to be offered because they are courses within other CPL Faculty of Health Science and Wellness certificates. We highly recommend completing the critical care specific courses first before taking any of the above-mentioned courses to complete your certificate.

To complete the current certificate, students are encouraged to undertake courses within the timelines above. Students who do not complete the courses within the above timelines will be unable to finish their current Critical Care Nursing certificate.

Certificate Pathway

NEPH 610

NEPH 510 summer 2023 and prior

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Quick-Look Availability Scheduler

Use the Quick-Look Availability Scheduler to see available courses in a calendar view and plan towards achieving your certificate.

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Course Name 2025/2026 Academic Year 2026/2027 Academic Year
Compulsory Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May
CORN 510: Cardiology Nursing- Level 1
HARN 513: Intermediate ICU: Clinical Practicum
NEPH 610: Renal Disorders and Kidney Disease Management
NEUR 510: Neuroscience Nursing
POST 500: Patient Assessment - Post Graduate
RESP 510: Respiratory Nursing
RNCC 501: Introduction to Critical Care Nursing

Compulsory Courses

CORN 510 Cardiology Nursing- Level 1
  Start Date: May 2025, June 2025  
This course is designed to provide the nurse with the comprehensive knowledge and skill required for accurate interpretation and management of cardiac dysrhythmias and evaluation of pacemaker functioning. Objectives build on entry-to-practice knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the heart, thorax and lungs, and peripheral vascular system. An introduction of concepts related to emergency management of Acute Coronary Syndromes and decompensated heart failure are provided. To successfully meet all course learning objectives, students will be required to engage in both independent and collaborative group learning activities on a consistent basis.


HARN 513 Intermediate ICU: Clinical Practicum

This experiential learning course is designed to prepare nurses to provide care to stable critically ill patients in a variety of Ministry-designated Level 2 Critical Care Units (e.g. Step Down Units). Program objectives and content are consistent with the following: - The Canadian Nurses Association, Critical Care Nursing Standards; - The Canadian Association of Critical Care Nurses: Standards for Critical Care Nursing Practice, and - The Critical Care Nurse Training Standards Task Group Final Report (Critical Care Secretariat Ministry of Health and Long Term Care) Based on current nursing research students will have an opportunity to examine and critically analyze issues affecting critical care by integrating nursing knowledge and clinical skills practice.

The Level 2 ICU Nursing clinical is 104 hours and must be completed within a 3-month term. Nurses are required to do two shifts weekly following their preceptor's schedule. 

Step 1: Start your clinical placement application process by completing this Clinical Placement Request Form. Once we receive this form, we will add your name to the clinical waitlist and send you detailed information about the clinical placement process. Your placement requests will be submitted to the hospitals for the next term according to the placement request submission deadline. The placement requests are submitted three months in advance.

Step 2: Once you have submitted your Clinical Placement Request Form, please start working on the Health Clearance requirements, which may take three months to obtain

Note: You will be notified to register for the Clinical Course
  • Once we have secured your clinical placement and
  • You have successfully completed all the pre-requisite courses and
  • You have emailed all the health clearance requirements to the Humber Health Clearance Office.


NEPH 610 Renal Disorders and Kidney Disease Management
  Start Date: May 2025, June 2025  
This introductory course prepares nurses to meet the standards and practice guidelines of Nephrology Nursing or Critical Care Nursing in Canada. In a collaborative learning environment, students will be required to access their current knowledge and gain further understanding of renal anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology. Concepts developed include advanced physiology, acute kidney injury, chronic kidney disease and complex disease management. Utilizing a multitude of active and co-operative learning strategies for acquiring and applying knowledge, students will monitor personal thinking, demonstrate curiosity and engage in discovery to attain success with all course objectives. This course applies a variety of theoretical models in adult learning to support student success.


NEUR 510 Neuroscience Nursing
  Start Date: May 2025  
The neuroscience nursing course focuses on neurological nursing concepts and is designed to prepare nurses caring for patients with stable and chronic neurological conditions. Building on entry-to-practice knowledge, the course will facilitate the participants’ knowledge and assessment of patients’ neurological functioning along the continuum of care. Evidence-informed data will be utilized to develop client and family-centered nursing interventions.


POST 500 Patient Assessment - Post Graduate
  Start Date: May 2025, June 2025  

This theoretical course is designed to assist nurses to refine their assessment skills to a higher level in order to obtain data to complete the health history and physical examination of a variety of adult clients. Assessment throughout the lifespan along with cultural and spiritual differences of adult clients will be discussed. The content will focus on culture and diversity, communication and therapeutic nurse or client relationships, safety, interviewing, history-taking, pain and physical and psychosocial assessments. The following systems respiratory, cardiovascular gastrointestinal, genito-urinary, musculoskeletal and neurological will be examined across the lifespan. Emphasis will focus on differentiating normal from abnormal findings to assist the nurse to move appropriately from data collection to nursing diagnosis. Students are expected to take an active role in group discussion, assessment, demonstrations and practice. The learning format will include in-class and online methodologies, such as lectures, reflective practice, case studies, demonstrations and critical discussions.


Why study in our Hybrid courses?

Hands-on learning with instructors and online theory 

Practice ‘real scenarios’ in our state-of-the-art labs

Make connections with instructors and peers

for an enriched learning experience

Condensed courses to help fast-track you into your career

Receive regular feedback to improve your skills

Students report high level of confidence after our simulation lab experiences

Why study in our Online Courses?
Easy-to-navigate modules for student-focused learning

14 week courses allow for achievable timelines

Synchronous lessons throughout courses

Instructor available for individual student questions, in a variety of formats

Various assessments such as videos, interactive quizzes




RESP 510 Respiratory Nursing
  Start Date: May 2025  
The respiratory nursing course focuses on respiratory nursing concepts and is designed to prepare nurses caring for patients with stable and chronic respiratory conditions. Building on entry-to-practice knowledge, the course will facilitate the participants’ knowledge and assessment of patients’ respiratory functioning along the continuum of care. Evidence-informed data will be utilized to develop client and family-centered nursing interventions.


RNCC 501 Introduction to Critical Care Nursing
  Start Date: May 2025  
This course is designed to assist in developing the knowledge and skills of the registered nurse in understanding the delivery of quality patient care in the critical care setting. The course will emphasize the complexities and issues in nursing as they relate to critical care, standards for critical care nursing practice and professional issues. The course will be based on current research finding and students will have an opportunity to examine and critically analyze current issues affecting critical care nursing practice.


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Humber Continuous Professional Learning Health Sciences & Wellness
416.675.6622 ext. 4554

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