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Farid Y.

Farid Yaghini

Why did you choose Humber College?

Humber College came highly recommended by my career transition officer who works within Veterans Affairs. The course outlines matched what I was looking for in consolidating various forms of self-optimization into wellness training.

What are your career aspirations?

I hope to be a rock star Wellness Coach and develop wellness type courses.

How have the faculty helped you on your road to reaching your goals?

The faculty not only masterfully taught the course but also embodied the philosophy which was being taught. This provided the unique and exciting prospect of not only being able to help others but also becoming a better person in the process.

What would you say has been the single best learning experience in the program you are in?

Self-reflection activities which put us in the shoes of our future clients. These exercises provided us with insight and empathy when moving forward in our career.

What elements of the program are best preparing you for your career?

Practicing wellness coaching session was by far the best in preparing to become a wellness coach.

Would you recommend this program to others and why?

I would highly recommend this course for others looking to become a Wellness Coach as the course fully prepares you to become a highly qualified Coach in addition to become more self-aware in the process.