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Student Testimonial - Charlotte

Name: Charlotte
Program: Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner
What semester are you in: fourth semester

Why did you choose Humber College? and/or this program?

I chose the Traditional Chinese Medicine program so that I could upgrade my skills and areas of expertise. Prior to Humber I completed a Pre-Health Sciences Certificate and an Occupational Therapist Assistant and Physiotherapist Assistant diploma program at another college. After finishing school I was working in a physiotherapy clinic that offered acupuncture but I was unable to perform this practice because I did not have the credentials, and most courses were only available to physiotherapists. This prompted me to start looking at different acupuncture programs within Ontario, which is how I learned about Humber College. Humber has many programs and services that really drew me to the school. Not only is the TCM program the only public program in Ontario, it is the only [public English-speaking] college in Ontario with a cadaver lab allowing students to gain hands-on learning that can be applied outside the classroom. The Tzu Chi Clinic where we complete most of our clinical placements is conveniently located on campus, making it very easy to integrate clinical with a regular school semester. Furthermore, Humber has a lot of different services such as the gym facilities, the Humber spa, the on-campus Chinese medicine clinic, and nap lounges. In sum, Humber allows students easy and convenient access to a diverse range of learning opportunities and amenities.

What has your experience been like so far at Humber College? Within your program? The faculty? The labs? Student life?

Thus far, my experience at Humber has been really positive. I love how many services are available to you without leaving campus. This makes it very convenient as a student living on or near campus. Our program is taught by professional and dedicated faculty members. Our faculty is engaged in ongoing development allowing us access to the most up-to-date teachings. They have been amazing at checking in with students and guiding us through programming changes as we all work through them together.

What is your favorite memory so far in the program? or favourite class?

My favourite memory in the program so far has been our semester end get togethers. When we have these parties, the faculty for Health Sciences & Wellness, Administration, and all the cohorts come together for an afternoon of food, mingling and games. It’s a really nice way to blow off some steam and have fun with other students we don’t usually see or work with. We also get to hang out with our professors in a more casual setting and it’s a really fun and enjoyable way to end the semester!

Have you had a Work-Integrated Learning experience yet? (otherwise known as a field placement, an internship, a practicum). What was your biggest take-away from that? Or, What are you looking forward to?

I have completed two work integrated learning placements. I thoroughly enjoyed both my placements. They mostly took place on campus at the Tzu Chi Chinese medicine clinic and also at the Michael Garron Hospital Withdrawal center. Working in both clinics was very eye-opening, not only is it the first time you start to see patients and provide TCM care, but you are exposed to many different kinds of conditions and people. You get the chance to integrate everything you have been learning in class with the practical component of working with people in the community.

Looking back, what advice would you give to your first-semester self?

If I could give my first year self one piece of advice, I would tell them to move into Residence sooner. Moving into Residence allowed me to become more involved within the Humber community and use more of the services available to me, which overall made my whole experience at Humber much more positive.
