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Student Testimonial - Erika

Name: Erika
Program: Pre-Service Firefighter Education and training
Year of graduation: January 2023

Why did you choose Humber College?

When deciding on a college for Pre-service firefighter education, I had a few local options. Ultimately, I was influenced by friends who previously graduated from Humber’s Pre-Service Firefighting program. Both my friends had amazing experiences at Humber, were well prepared for their careers, and were successful in getting hired by departments in the GTA. I knew that with Humber, I would be getting taught by professionals in the field and would be learning above and beyond the basic certification requirements for the profession.

What are your career aspirations?

My career aspiration is to become a firefighter. Throughout Humber’s program, I was able to work alongside like-minded students and be taught by professionals in this field. This has provided me with real-world insight into the career and reinforced my goal of becoming a firefighter. Thanks to the pre-service firefighting program at Humber, I have recently been hired by a large metropolitan fire service in the GTA.

How did the faculty help you on your road to reaching your goals?

The faculty at Humber supported me and my classmates to succeed not only in the program but also in reaching our career goals. The Captains and Chiefs at Humber are professionals with extensive experience in the firefighting field. The faculty’s passion for their profession was seen in their investment in the success of the students. The Captains and Chiefs made themselves accessible whenever there were questions or concerns while learning. I felt comfortable seeking advice and help from the faculty, which helped me to develop my confidence and skills. The faculty also provided the students with continuous constructive feedback, which I found very helpful and allowed for constant growth.

What would you say has been the single best learning experience in the program you are in?

The best learning experience in the program was our live burn days. In our second semester, we had the opportunity to put all the practical skills we learned throughout the semesters together on the fireground. We had five live-burn days at the burn tower, where we were put into crews and given different assignments such as fire suppression, search and rescue, overhaul, and the rapid intervention team. Not only did we demonstrate our practical skills during evolutions, but we also got to see a real example of fire behaviour and how our actions, such as ventilation, affect it. The realistic and high stress nature of the live burn evolutions allowed us to develop our decision-making skills as well as emphasize the importance of teamwork and communication. It was during these live fire days we got a glimpse of the hard work and dedication it takes to work on the fireground.

What elements of the program are best preparing you for your career?

Humber’s Pre-service program has helped me prepare for my career as a firefighter through its hands-on experience, professional development courses, and exceptional instructors. Throughout the program, I had many opportunities to get hands on experience with the tools and skills required for the career of firefighting. Learning the theory behind the skill and then practically applying it reinforced my understanding and helped me become confident in my abilities to apply these skills on the job. I also found that a common struggle for aspiring firefighters is the hiring process. Humber provided the students with courses that helped develop their communication skills for interviews and public speaking situations they will encounter as firefighters. This is a vital step to becoming a firefighter and these courses helped prepare me for success in the application process. Additionally, learning from experienced instructors and industry experts gave me real-world insights into the challenges and responsibilities of the career. Being taught by professionals who have walked the path I aspire to follow taught me not only the practical skills required to be a firefighter but also the professionalism and integrity required for the firefighting career.

Would you recommend this program to others, and why?

I would highly recommend this program for those wanting to pursue firefighting as a career. The course is set up to prepare students for the demands of the career. While the program does challenge students, it also creates an environment of teamwork and camaraderie. It was inspiring and fun to work alongside like-minded people who encouraged each other to excel. Firefighting requires qualities such as teamwork and dedication, and this program reflects these realities while helping to develop you as a competent firefighter. Humber’s pre-service program gave me the tools for success in my future.
