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Power of Persuasion: Mastering Communication Literacy for Humanistic Leaders

Certificate of Completion | CE0100

Program Overview

Power of Persuasion: Mastering Communication Literacy for Humanistic Leaders will elevate your leadership skills in ways that remodel the current understanding of what it means to lead. Humanistic leaders recognize that their greatest asset is the optimal functioning of both their staff and those in their charge. Over the duration of this dynamic and experiential learning journey, we will build a toolbox using principles of humanism and coaching and then we will fill it with strategic tools for practice in the real world. You will be enabled and supported to facilitate and sustain an organizational culture with value-congruent behaviour that ensures the organization’s strategic ability to respond to change with cognitive and emotional flexibility.  

This certificate is delivered in partnership with Holland Bloorview’s Humanistic Education and Training Program and is designed for leaders at all levels of healthcare who aspire to elevate workplace communication and culture to excellence. Professionals from education and other disciplines may also participate. Custom schedules are available.

Frequently Asked Questions

Each course totals seven and a half hours of structured, online learning, delivered over four weeks and follows this schedule: 

Week 1 - one hour of asynchronous learning 

Week 2 - one hour of asynchronous learning plus one and a half hours of synchronous learning  facilitated online

Week 3 – one hour of asynchronous learning plus one and a half hours of synchronous learning  facilitated online

Week 4 – one and a half hours of synchronous learning  facilitated online

Asynchronous learning consists of lecture and supplementary videos, reading articles, and a variety of online learning activities.

Synchronous learning consists of instructor-facilitated, virtual meetings which are scheduled in advance. Learners will join with individual devices and meet their instructor and colleagues online for discussion and coaching demonstrations in live time.

Learners can expect to devote additional time to the completion of graded assignments.

Custom schedules are available.

  • Elevate your leadership skills
  • Optimize staff functioning/focus on staff strengths
  • Utilize strategic tools - humanism and coaching with real world application
  • Implement cognitive and emotional flexibility with response to change

Upon successful completion of all three courses, a Continuous Professional Learning Certificate of Completion will be awarded.

Course Details

Add Humanistic Leadership skills to your resume with these three courses

Course 1: HUML 201 Cultivating Collaborative Conversations

This course provides leaders with the knowledge, understanding, and skills of conversational literacy, a key to strategic and transformational leadership. Using an engaging combination of synchronous, asynchronous, and self-directed learning, the participants’ personal and strategic conversational literacy is enhanced, enabling them to make the significant shift from typical parent-child leadership models of communication to adult-adult models of communication. 

Course 2: HUML 202 Language Shapes Behaviour and Culture

In this course, leaders will learn how to integrate the skills, practices and theory acquired up to this point. Knowledge and practice are consolidated with learning from neuroscience, neurobiology and communication sciences, in ways that illuminate and reinforce understanding and practice of conversational literacy, reinforcing the ability to engage in adult-to-adult conversations which amplifies optimal functioning across the organization.

Course 3: HUML 203 Compelling Constraints: Asking the Right Questions

The final course of the Power of Persuasion: Mastering Communication Literacy for Humanistic Leaders program scaffolds on the knowledge and understanding leaders have already built. Participants will be able to identify, reframe, and build organizational narratives and stories that facilitate strengths and resources. Through reframing and generative questioning, leaders will nurture their conversational literacy skills to generate dialogue that enables staff to imagine the possibilities of generative thinking.

If you are looking to sponsor your staff into this program, please email


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Course Name 2025/2026 Academic Year 2026/2027 Academic Year
Compulsory Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May
HUML 201: Cultivating Collaborative Conversations
HUML 202: Language Shapes Behaviour and Culture
HUML 203: Compelling Constraints: Asking the Right Questions

Compulsory Courses

HUML 201 Cultivating Collaborative Conversations

This course provides leaders with the knowledge, understanding, and skills of conversational literacy, a key to strategic and transformational leadership. Using an engaging combination of synchronous, asynchronous, and self-directed learning, the participants’ personal and strategic conversational literacy is enhanced, enabling them to make the significant shift from typical parent-child leadership models of communication to adult-adult models of communication. 

This course was developed in partnership with Holland Bloorview’s Humanistic Education and Training Program.  


HUML 202 Language Shapes Behaviour and Culture

In this course, leaders will learn how to integrate the skills, practices and theory acquired up to this point. Knowledge and practice are consolidated with learning from neuroscience, neurobiology and communication sciences, in ways that illuminate and reinforce understanding and practice of conversational literacy, reinforcing the ability to engage in adult-to-adult conversations which amplifies optimal functioning across the organization.

This course was developed in partnership with Holland Bloorview’s Humanistic Education and Training Program


HUML 203 Compelling Constraints: Asking the Right Questions

The final course of the Power of Persuasion: Mastering Communication Literacy for Humanistic Leaders program scaffolds on the knowledge and understanding leaders have already built. Participants will be able to identify, reframe, and build organizational narratives and stories that facilitate strengths and resources. Through reframing and generative questioning, leaders will nurture their conversational literacy skills to generate dialogue that enables staff to imagine the possibilities of generative thinking.  

This course was developed in partnership with Holland Bloorview’s Humanistic Education and Training Program.  




Faculty Highlights

Elaine Cook

Elaine Cook has a PhD in applied behavioural psychology from the University of Toronto. Dr. Cook worked with elite athletes and coaches for many years before transitioning into health care. As a certified solution-focused health care coach and facilitator, she works with individuals, families and organizations to facilitate conversations and implement humanistic programs that guide people toward development and personal wisdom.

Currently, she is the Manager and Principal of Humanistic Education and Training at Holland Bloorview Kid’s Rehabilitation Hospital and is responsible for the creation and implementation of a suite of humanistic, solution-focused education and training opportunities. These programs are transforming systems and workplace cultures for staff and clients in healthcare and beyond. She is mother to three children and two fur-babies, and when she isn’t mothering or working, you’ll find her on the agility field with her puppies.

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Humber Continuous Professional Learning Health Sciences & Wellness
416.675.6622 ext. 4554

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