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Student Testimonial - Taylor

Name: Taylor
Program: Paramedic
What semester are you in: Second Semester

Why did you choose Humber College? and/or this program?

When I decided to return to school to pursue a career in Paramedicine, Humber College was my top choice. The school has an excellent reputation. The faculty have extensive experience in the field of paramedicine, many of which are still actively working as paramedics today. As a mature student, it was important for me to pick a supportive environment that aligned with my values. Humber wants their students to succeed - they have an extremely high retention rate and hiring rate after graduation.

Did you attend an Open House at Humber College or an Information Session? How was it helpful?

I did not attend an open house or information session; however this is the second program I have taken at Humber College and therefore I personally did not feel this was necessary.

What has your experience been like so far at Humber College? Within your program? The faculty? The labs? Student life?

The first year of the paramedic program has been an amazing experience. Although the program is extremely intensive, the faculty and students provide such a supportive environment that encourages you to stay motivated and keep progressing. I have always felt comfortable asking questions and putting forth ideas - you truly feel like your voice is heard. We spend a lot of time on campus outside of class and I have developed a close bond with my classmates and our faculty. We have open lab access to assist with our learning and refining our skills, which ultimately allows us to learn from each other.

What is your favorite memory so far in the program? or favourite class?

My favourite class has been Paramedic Skills 2. This is the most practical aspect of the program. I am a kinesthetic learner who does best when actively practicing a skill. We take the theory we learn in our other courses and put it into a practical application. We run scenarios, practice lifting, and get to wear our uniforms. This allows us to get familiar with the different types of equipment, treatments, and situations we will eventually encounter on the road.

Have you had a Work-Integrated Learning experience yet? (otherwise known as a field placement, an internship, a practicum). What was your biggest take-away from that? Or, What are you looking forward to?

I have not completed field placement yet. We start our hospital placements and ride outs in second year.

Looking back, what advice would you give to your first-semester self?

Stay organized, put in the hard work each week and it will pay off. Have fun along the way because it goes by extremely fast! Enjoy every moment.
