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Student Testimonial - Jessica

Your Name: Jessica G
Program: Inclusive Resource Practice Child & Family Program
What semester are you in: 2021 Graduate

Why did you choose Humber College?

I previously attended Humber’s Early Childhood Education Program where I experienced this welcoming sense of home. I connected with the faculty to receive pathway guidance into enrolling in the IRP program. I knew that making the decision to enroll in the program would provide me with an opportunity to broaden my educational experience and networking opportunities that would benefit my career.

What are your career aspirations?

When I was eight years old, I was diagnosed with a Learning Disability and ADHD. These early experiences offered me the motivation to pursue a career that helps students like myself. My lived experience allows me to have a unique perspective that benefits the support I offer students. I strive to advocate for inclusion within our school systems and educate other professionals on how to implement evidence-based practices to support students with disabilities. I seek opportunities to speak about my lived experience as it offers professionals and students to shift their perspective of what disabilities “looks” like.

How have the faculty helped you on your road to reaching your goals?

Although this program was offered online when I was enrolled, the faculty offered enriching experiences that allowed me to develop the skills required to work in the field. The faculty created an online environment where I could connect with other peers in the program. The faculty also fostered opportunity for us to virtually connect with local community organizations which we could obtain employment upon graduation. I connected with the Community Integration through Co-operative Education (CICE) Program at Humber College while studying in the program. One year after graduation I obtained employment as an Integration Facilitator in the CICE program here at Humber. Without the faculty offering the networking opportunity, I don’t believe I would be working in an environment that feels like home.

What would you say has been the single best learning experience in the program you are in?

The structure of the course being online offered me the opportunity to work while studying in the IRP program. I find it beneficial to have a hands-on experience so I can apply theory to practice. The program also offered me many professional development opportunities to develop my portfolio. One that stood out in particle is Hanen’s Teacher Talk Training Series. This training allowed me to develop the skills on how to develop children’s language through stimulating play interactions.

What elements of the program are best preparing you for your career?

While in the program the three main elements that best prepared me to work in the field are professional writing (Example: report writing), Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and developing a strength- based approach. While working in the field there are student reports and documents I compose. I learned the basics of professional writing in the ECE program and I further developed my writing skills in the IRP program. By completing various assignments that fostered my ability to demonstrate my knowledge of UDL I now create engaging opportunities for students to show me what they can do. Developing my philosophy of viewing students with a strength-based approach has created a positive learning environment for students and their support system. I now create opportunities for students to show me what they can do and celebrate what they have accomplished.

Would you recommend this program to others and why?

Yes, I would highly recommend the Inclusive Resource Practice Child and Family Program at Humber College. Humber’s IRP program has offered me enriching learning opportunities that has provided me multiple career pathways. Humber has provided me unimageable opportunities and I am a proud graduate from Humber’s IRP program.

Jessica G