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Student Testimonial - Yota

Name: Yota
Program: Funeral Director Class 1 (Embalming)
What semester are you in: Semester 3

Why did you choose Humber College? and/or this program?

I chose this program because after several years of working in Funeral Services, I realized that it’s my purpose in life. Knowing that I will never work in any other field, it only seemed logical and the natural next step, to advance myself in the industry. Humber is the only college in the province that offers Funeral Service Education in English.

What has your experience been like so far at Humber College? Within your program? The faculty? The labs? Student life?

I have nothing to say but good things about Humber. There’s a huge sense of community, of inclusivity, on campus. Coming to Humber later in life, I was initially apprehensive of how it would be to be in school again, but from the start I felt welcomed and that I belonged.

I can’t say enough about the amazing classmates and faculty in my program. It’s a very intense program and yet we all bonded very quickly. My fellow classmates became family. Being in Funeral Services, we’re a bit of a ‘different’ bunch, but we understood each other, we supported each other, and helped one another any chance we got. Like I said, we became family, and I know many of us will continue our friendships through our careers and beyond. The faculty? Our professors are so knowledgeable, down to earth, and approachable. It literally felt like they were one of us, not our professors. Such a welcome change from the professors I had in university. Labs were always fun. Learning alongside your friends, what more can you ask for? And our professors were always encouraging, and always patient and helpful in answering our questions and guiding us. Bottom line is this program is only as amazing as it is because of the people, my classmates and the faculty.

What is your favorite memory so far in the program? or favourite class?

I honestly can’t pick a favourite memory or class. I loved every minute of it! I can tell you my least favourite memory was final exam week, when we all knew that the end of the week would also bring with it that everyone was going to go off in their own directions, until we converge again a year later prior to our licensing exam. Tears were shed during that final exam week.

Have you had a Work-Integrated Learning experience yet? (otherwise known as a field placement, an internship, a practicum). What was your biggest take-away from that? Or, What are you looking forward to?

As I head into my one-year internship, I’m really looking forward to taking on more responsibilities, and to continue to learn and grow. I’m looking forward to serving my community and my families with the utmost care, respect, and kindness. I am proud to be part of this profession and I look forward to being able to represent it.

Looking back, what advice would you give to your first-semester self?

What advice would I give to my first semester self? I would tell myself to stop doubting myself so much, you know your stuff! I would tell myself I’m more than capable of reaching my goals, and not to stress so much, you’re going to rock it!
