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Student Testimonial - Mehrdad A

Name: Mehrdad A
Program: ESLM (Exercise Science & Lifestyle Management)
Graduate: 2018

Tell us what you’re doing workwise right now.

Currently my role is a Disability Case Manager at Canada Life. I have switched roles from Clinical to Insurance to develop my skills and continue to grow my knowledge. It was a tough transition as I enjoy face-to-face treatment and the joys of teaching and watching my clients develop over time, however in an insurance role, I have great reach to impact more Canadian lives.

Reflect on your time just prior to Humber. Why did you choose Humber College? What was your career ambition?

My time prior to Humber was fixated on applying for Medical School or Physiotherapy school. After exhausting those avenues, I looked for alternatives. I remember researching online and coming across the Exercise Science and Lifestyle Management Program and thought to myself “this cannot be real”. I decided to take a leap of faith as the program description was intriguing and with a brief conversation with the program coordinator, I was sold. It was the best decision I made as a few months into the program I realized how much knowledge I was missing, even if I wanted to pursue Physiotherapy or Medical school. The program was not the first choice for my career path; however, I am a firm believer that when one door closes, another door opens with better opportunities. This program opened my eyes in regard to application of all the theory I had learned in the past 4 years during my undergraduate degree. The application is something that unless your undergraduate degree focuses on in the curriculum, there will be no real-world exposure until you are in a work setting.

How did the program set you on your path to where you are now?

The program set me on my path to where I am now as it provides knowledge from every aspect. Application of theory, in my opinion, was the biggest impact that the Exercise Science and Lifestyle Management Program helped me with. During my off-campus internship, half-way through my internship I was offered a role at CBI, which I accepted. Speaking with my manager a few months into the role, I asked “Why did you choose me as a candidate for the Kinesiologist role?”, he replied, “When I asked you questions about exercise prescription for clients with different conditions, you did not hesitate and gave concise examples of treatment plans.” That is what set me on my course. I flourished at CBI, over my 3 years working there. I was involved in leadership opportunities, hiring and on-boarding of new staff. Aside from the clinical aspect, the program has helped me become successful in a non-clinical aspect as well. The program not only develops students’ application of theory, it also dives deeper into various conditions for students to grasp contraindications, exercise prescription and how to truly assess ongoing. As a Disability Case Manager, I do not have the luxury of physically seeing my clients, rather I rely on reviewing medical documentation. When I compare myself to my colleagues without a medical background, it does show the disparity in assessing and utilizing our resources to help our clients. The program has provided such a strong knowledge base which will make you successful in any healthcare position which you desire, from clinical to non-clinical.

What advice would you share to someone considering this field?

My advice to someone considering Kinesiology or looking to develop their knowledge base further, TAKE the Exercise Science and Lifestyle Management program. Growing up, we’ve always been told, “If something seems too good to be true, it probably is”, however I would challenge that status quo with this program. Any graduate you speak with, will tell you that this program helped develop their skills in the role they are in today and set them apart from their colleagues. Whether you want to pursue Kinesiology, Cardiac Rehab, Strength Coach, Non-clinical Kinesiology, or some other healthcare, this program will set you apart in ways which you will not truly appreciate until you are 2-3 years into your career.

Mehrdad A