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Student Testimonial - Demi T

Name: Demi T
Program: Biotechnology
Graduate: 2021

Tell us what you’re doing workwise right now.

The Biotechnology program at Humber College was instrumental in landing a job and providing me with practical experience needed for my role. I was able to secure a job as a laboratory supervisor. I continue to rely on the skills and knowledge I acquired from the program in my current role. For example, I supervise and perform routine laboratory operations including laboratory testing procedures, quality control, and cost-effectiveness. I focus on the development of safety protocols, maintenance of laboratory supplies, and equipment, and track sample turnaround time. Furthermore, as a supervisor I ensure all laboratory personnel use good documentation practices and comply with standard operating procedures.

Reflect on your time just prior to Humber. Why did you choose Humber College? What was your career ambition?

Before Humber, I graduated from the University of Toronto with a Bachelor's degree in Bioethics. I joined a student-led synthetic biology research program and used my bioethics background to support the team for the annual international competition. That is where I discovered my passion for the laboratory and biotechnology. I knew of Humber's reputation for teaching their students practical skills needed to work in the field. Humber provided me with the necessary skills I needed to pursue my passion.

How did the program set you on your path to where you are now?

The Biotechnology program at Humber provided me with the necessary skills and confidence to work in the laboratory. After completing the program, I was interviewed for a job as a laboratory technician. After approximately a year of work, I was promoted to sample prep laboratory supervisor. The biotech program helped me gain critical thinking skills, adequate data collection and research skills, and the ability to be creative and innovative. Most importantly I gained hands-on experience in a laboratory under the supervision of chemistry and biology experts. Without these skills, I would not have had the opportunity to be selected for an interview and advance in my career so quickly.

What advice would you share to someone considering this field?

If you are considering a career in biotechnology, the first thing I must recommend is getting hands-on laboratory experience. Biotech is a highly specialized field and gaining relevant knowledge and experience is beneficial. Second, it is important to strengthen your communication and collaboration skills. Biotechnology is a highly collaborative field, and you'll need to be able to work effectively with individuals from diverse backgrounds.

Demi T