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Student Testimonial - Bennett

Name: Bennett
Program: Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Sciences
What semester are you in: Semester 2

Why did you choose Humber College? and/or this program?

I picked Humber because of the way the program is set up. It is a Biomedical degree on par with the biggest universities but with the applied hands-on nature of a college. It is providing me with the skills to integrate into the workforce, take my education further and find work integrated learning opportunities, linking me directly into my field of study. The reason for choosing this program is that I could use it as a prerequisite to go to med school after I graduate.

Did you attend an Open House at Humber College or an Information Session? How was it helpful?

I didn’t attend an open house but I did tour the school. This was not only super helpful in getting familiar with the spaces I’d be working and spending time in, but it also gave me lots of information on the variety of services that Humber provides and the opportunities I will have around campus. Most of all it helped calm my nerves of transitioning from high school to post-secondary and entering a new environment.

What has your experience been like so far at Humber College? Within your program? The faculty? The labs? Student life?

My experience has been fantastic. The facilities at Humber have blown me away. Working in the anatomy lab has been a highlight of the program so far and working in the biolab has also been an incredible experience. The faculty chosen to lead these programs and classes are all professionals in their own respective fields and have no shortage of experience and knowledge to impart.

What is your favorite memory so far in the program? or favorite class?

One memory that sticks with me happened in my first semester in the program, during the week of the midterms. We were all stressed and since we all had a common goal, we figured that it would be beneficial to study together. So, all week, every night we were up late in the LRC [Learning Resource Commons] quizzing and reviewing together. One of those nights after all the places to get food had closed for the night, we decided to order takeout. That night instead of studying we ended up sharing food, stories and getting to know each other. That group of people have become my closest friends here and it helped take the edge off before a big exam.

My favourite class so far has definitely been anatomy. Studying and knowing how the human body is put together and works has been something I have been passionate about since I started learning the sciences. Being able to work in the cadaver lab has given me a perspective and understanding I didn’t have before.

Have you had a Work-Integrated Learning experience yet? (otherwise known as a field placement, an internship, a practicum). What was your biggest take-away from that?

I haven’t had a work experience yet, but I look forward to placements. Work integrated learning was a driving factor for me choosing this program. Being able to get work experience and have practical knowledge before graduation is so valuable to entering and finding a career after graduation.

Looking back, what advice would you give to your first-semester self?

I would tell my first-semester self to learn how to be disciplined in study and routine. Someone once told me that I don’t lack dreams and ambition, I lack the discipline required to execute those dreams. Given how fast paced these classes are, I would tell myself to keep my head down, work hard and you will be ok.
