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Student Testimonial - Harshal

Name: Harshal
Program: Bachelor of Health Sciences – Workplace Health and Wellness
What semester are you in: 6th

Why did you choose Humber College? and/or this program?

The Bachelor of Health Sciences - Workplace Health and Wellness program resonated a lot with my interests in employee wellness, project management, health, and business because of its multi-disciplinary nature. I have always had a keen interest in exploring ways an organization can increase an individual’s productivity, job and life satisfaction and also reduce burnout by improving their health and well-being in the workplace and the program provided the necessary knowledge and skills to do so. The knowledge and skills gained are not only essential for corporate health but also for human resources and health & safety.

I chose Humber primarily because of its outstanding reputation, excellent faculty members, and a vast array of opportunities that you can leverage to develop skills outside of your program while also getting the opportunity to put your program knowledge into practice. I also chose Humber because the Bachelor of Health Sciences - Workplace Health and Wellness program is only offered at Humber.

Did you attend an Open House at Humber College or an Information Session? How was it helpful?

I did not attend an Open house before choosing the program, however, I have since had the valuable opportunity to work at multiple Open Houses, representing the Faculty of Health Sciences & Wellness as a Student Ambassador. These experiences helped me realize how beneficial the Open Houses can be to prospective students. It helped a lot of prospective students to learn about their program, ask questions to the Program Coordinators, and learn more about the campus, and student services.

What has your experience been like so far at Humber College? Within your program? The faculty? The labs? Student life?

My experience so far at Humber has been amazing both in terms of academics and student life. Within my program, my experience has been great, learning about so many different areas that interplay to increase an organization’s overall well-being; I have gained knowledge about physical, and psychological health; business, leadership, etc. that provide a way into careers such as Health and Safety, Human Resources, and Corporate Health.

As for student life, I have also been actively involved in the college. Being active in campus life has allowed me to build a strong profile and a good network within the Faculty of Health Sciences & Wellness and beyond. I have had the opportunity to work with the college, student union - IGNITE, the Faculty of Health Sciences & Wellness, as well as the Centre for Innovation in Health and Wellness.

What is your favorite memory so far in the program? or favourite class?

My favourite class so far in the program was probably Business Case in Semester 5. The course was very interesting and taught me how I could comprehensively propose and “sell” my health and wellness initiative to gain stakeholder approval for implementation. It helped me gain skills to create a strong and effective Business Case proposal and professionally present it to stakeholders.

My favourite memory was in that class as well when I delivered my Final Presentation of the Business Case I developed throughout the course. I remember how everyone including my professor (who is also the Program Coordinator) stood up, applauded, and expressed that my team and I had presented exactly what she was looking for. She told us that our proposal is ready to be presented to stakeholders and get their approval.

Have you had a Work-Integrated Learning experience yet? (otherwise known as a field placement, an internship, a practicum). What was your biggest take-away from that?

Not yet. The field placement is positioned in the summer, and wraps up semester 6. I am looking forward to it. I will put the knowledge and skills I have gained over the three years of my program to use in a professional context within the wellness industry. I am looking to gain more knowledge of the industry, develop more skills, expand my network, and gain more exposure to figure out my career path.

Looking back, what advice would you give to your first-year self?

I would tell myself to ‘seek and embrace opportunities and don’t fear failure.’ Be as involved as you can on campus, and also participate actively in classes, this will help you gain more exposure and also find new opportunities. I would also ask myself to keep pushing and not fear failure so I can utilize my potential. Every one of us has a lot of potential but sometimes fear and uncertainty of the future make us afraid to step out of our comfort zone and instead make us want to do something that gives us a ‘sense of security’ which limits our growth. However, from what I have seen, to make the most out of your experience anywhere, you should be willing to explore and try new things. Initially, I used to be very anxious when I started school, about my program, my goals, etc., however, slowly as time passed by, I actively tried to figure everything out and kept exploring and learning through being involved in different things which now that I look back has not only helped me build a strong profile but also a stronger network.
