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Student Testimonial - Alex B

Name: Alex B
Program: Clinical Research
Graduate: 2018

Tell us what you're doing workwise right now.

Currently, I hold the position of Global Study Manager at AstraZeneca, specifically within the Late Stage Development Hematology therapeutic area.

Reflect on your time just prior to Humber. Why did you choose Humber College? What was your career ambition?

Prior to enrolling at Humber College, I was uncertain about the best path to enter the clinical research field. However, after thorough research, I chose Humber College's program because of its comprehensive curriculum, which not only provided theoretical knowledge but also offered opportunities for students to apply and interview for internships at various institutions in the industry. My career ambition was to gain practical experience and knowledge to pursue a career in the clinical research field.

How did the program set you on your path to where you are now?

Humber College's program proved to be instrumental in setting me on my current career path. The course work and lectures provided a strong foundation in the clinical research field, while the three-month internship allowed me to apply my theoretical knowledge and gain hands-on experience, leading to a successful career.

What advice would you share to someone considering this field?

My advice to anyone considering a career in the clinical research field is to reach out to various professionals in different roles to gather as much information as possible. Moreover, I strongly recommend Humber College's program to anyone seeking to enter this field. While the theoretical knowledge gained from coursework is essential, practical experience through internships is crucial to building a successful career in this field.

Alex B - Testimonial Picture